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 Names of Allah and their meanings

The Holy Quran has many characteristics and features, including that it contained in his Surah and its verses many names of Allah, and these names indicate the greatness of allah- the Almighty - and his ability, and the purpose of the receipt of the names of allah and attributes is to identify man and creator - the Almighty - and unification, and linking his mental entity And thinking of allah Almighty, Vtrrr man and his mind from impurities and suspicions, and performs his job in the reconstruction of this universe.

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Effects of knowing the names of Allah

Knowing and learning the names of Allah has great implications in the life of a Muslim.
  1. A reason to dukhul aljanih
  2. The way to know allah , when the Muslim knows his Lord; draw closer to him, and do what he ordered him, and avoid what is forbidden.
  3. The basis of all the sciences and worship, the more the Muslim knows his Lord the greater the greater.
  4. Reason in the response of allah - the Almighty - to pray the Muslim, and the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - calls allah - the Almighty - names.
  5. To get the love of allah , a Muslim who loves and knows allah 's names, Allah Almighty loves him.
  6. Safety from cardiac diseases such as envy, hatred, aging and hypocrisy.
  7. A reason for the Muslim's worries and grief to go away, and the end of the adversity he is going through.
  8.  Rising in the status, whenever the Muslim knows his Lord elevated his status with allah .
  9.  Happiness in the heart, chest dissection, and tranquility.
  10. The Muslim fear of allah more, the more the Muslim knows allah , the greater the fear, and fear in his heart, the closer obedience.

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