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hasbunallahu wa ni mal wakil - amazing voice

 Investigations to explain "Hasbi Allah waniem alwakila

His legitimacy is mentioned in the Qur'an in the story of Allah the Almighty about the Companions following the battle of Uhud, in Hamra al-Assad.
When some hypocrites feared that the people of Mecca gathered them unbeatable crowds and discouraged them, they only increased their faith in the promise of allah, and in adhering to the truth that they are, they said in the answer to all this great psychological battle: allah and yes the agent.
Ezz Almighty says: (who responded to allah and the Prophet after they have suffered ulcers for those who do good to them, and fear a great reward. People who told them that the people have gathered you Fajcohm Vzadehm belief and said allah suffices us. Vangbawa by the grace of allah and preferred not Amsshm ill and followed the pleasure of Allah And Allah is of great virtue)

 Watch the video to learn more

The meaning of this alduea

Scholars say that the meaning of:allah hsibuna  us: any allah is enough, according to it is enough or enough, and the Muslim believes that allah Almighty ability and greatness and majesty enough of the slave of all the most important and hit him, and responds by great around him every danger he fears, and every enemy seeks in the Nile.
As for the meaning: (Yes, the agent), that is: I praise those who are valued on our matters, and based on our interests, and the guarantor of us, which is allah Almighty, it is the best agent; because of trust in allah is enough, and resorted to him Almighty sincerely did not disappoint his hope It is the greatest Almighty who deserves praise, praise and thanks for that.

hasbunallah wa ni mal wakil, hasbunallah wanikmal wakil, best zikr of allah, daily azkaar, daily dua, doa hasbunallah, dua after fajr, dua in arabic, dua when entering home, hasbi allah, hasbunallah wanikmal wakil dua, hasbunallah wanikmal wakil nikmal maula wanikman nasir, hasbunallahu wa ni mal wakil, important duas, shay shaik, zikr meaning 
