Meaning of iinaa lilah wa iinaa iilayh rajieuna
What a wonderful sentence! What a good word of inclusive preventive! It combines ease and power;
It is customary that this word, if heard, it suggests a calamity, and this is stated in the Koran; allah Almighty said: ذ Those who hit them, they said that I am allah and I return to him [156].
Therefore, the tongue uttered in sad tones, and perhaps with a reduced head, the face of a scowling, and a heart bleeding.
Yes, it accompanies the calamity, and come with it, but not to increase or deepen its wounds, but to alleviate and strengthen patience on them, and is condolence only strengthening ?!
The people of calamities, believing in surrender to its rule, say:﴿ Turn over by the grace of allah , and did not touch them bad, and follow the pleasure of allah [174].
We are allah and we return to it, calls for optimism, and means entertainment for the injured, and aims to raise the morale, and stability of the psychological state, a bulwark of the Muslim from falling into dissatisfaction with the judiciary, and save him from objecting to fate.
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It addresses the injured not to be sad, you are the king of allah - Almighty - and not cynicism, you are coming to allah , and those who have lost, it is the property of allah , and coming to him, and not despair and not receive, and not sit down from work.We are to allah and to Him we return.
As long as this is so, and as long as we and what we have and what we love and what we collect - belongs to allah , let allah do us what he wants, and take us what he wants, and to satisfy the soul and to reassure the spirit;
inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji un, inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon, dua for death, dua when someone dies, ina lilah wa ina ilayhi rajioon, inalilahi wainalilahi rojiun, inna ilayhi rajioon, inna lillahi wa, inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon, innalillahiwainnailaihirojiun arabic, islamic condolences dua, may allah grant him jannah, muslim death prayer, to allah we belong and to him we return
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