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kids sleep Ruqyah Syariah For Children The Most Powerful Ruqyah

 Roquia for children From Alsona  

The promotion of children of all ages is common to Muslims, and is a perfectly legitimate in Islam as long as it meets the conditions of proper promotion, namely:
Roquia should be in Arabic, as stated by Imam Ibn Taymiyyah that Roquia should be in the Arabic tongue only.
The paper must be in the names and descriptions of Allah.
That the person believes that the ruqyah in itself is not the influential but is Allah Almighty.

Watch the video to learn more

There have been a lot of prayers in the year for children, the Prophet peace be upon him was promoted Hassan and Hussein, he says:
“In the name of Allah, whose name does not harm anything in the earth or in heaven.”
There are also many of the prayers that are used to fortify the soul and its paper.
“I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah that are not exceeded by righteousness and ungodly from the evil of what comes down from heaven, from the evil of what is limped in it, from the evil of what is left in the earth, and from the evil of what comes out of it, and from the temptation of night and day, Alright, Rahman ”
" I seek refuge in perfect words of Allah from the evil of what He has created"
“I seek refuge in the full words of Allah from every devil and important, and from every eye of a nation
“I was entrenched in Allah , who has no Allah but He and Him to all things, and I have entrusted to the living that does not die.
“In the name of Allah, I will raise you from every disease that will harm you and from the evil of every soul or the enviable eye of Allah, healing you,
“Allah is my favor, and the Lord is my servant, my creator is my creature, my livelihood is from Marzouk, my Allah is my account, in whose hand is the kingdom of all things. ”
In the end, wipe upscale on the child's head and body chanting "Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim" three times, and is deposited by Allah, whose deposits are not lost. Be sure that prayers and dhikr is the best protector and guard for you and your family and all your children so I make sure to repeat it day and night, so that you believe on your family from the evil of the world and the hereafter.

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