preferred to say la iilah iilaa allah
Innocence of polytheism, a word of piety, sincerity and monotheism, as allah Almighty created creation, and sent the apostles, and sent down books for them, and has also prepared allah House reward and punishment, and ordered the apostles for jihad. The key to paradise, and the call of the apostles, and preferred that it was the last words in the world entered Paradise, Vjpt forgiveness, as the Muslim escapes from the fire.Reason to enter Paradise and release from the fire, if it meets the conditions, and no longer barriers. blessing blessed by allah on the worship that defined them, as it is infalled by the blood of her sayer and money, but from her father, his money and blood is wasted. I prefer to speak, and love him to allah , which is the first called by the Holy Apostles peace be upon them, and the first called by the Seal of Prophets Muhammad peace be upon him.
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Meaning there is la iilah iilaa allah
The word monotheism, as defined by scholars, means that there is no merit for worship except Allah Almighty.The second pillar is to prove the true divinity of allah Almighty, as denies everything worshiped without allah , but (except Allah) requires proof of all types of worship and its orientations to allah alone without others, allah has no partner in his property and no partner In his worship also
la ilaha illallah, la ilaha illa allah in arabic, ashadu an la ilaha illallah, holy quran, koran karim, la elah ela allah, la hi la ha illallah, la ilaha ila allah, la ilaha illa allah, la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah in arabic writing, la illa allah, la illah allah, laa ilaha illallah, lailahaillallah uhammadarrasulullah, lailahaillallah muhammadarrasulullah in arabic, lailahaillallah muhammadarrasulullah in arabic writing, subhanallah
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