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Benefits subhan allah wa bihamdih 

Allah Almighty preferred those who remember and reward others for reward and reward in this world and the Hereafter. A hundred times his sins were forgiven, albeit like sea foam. It is also said that the best mention of what the praise of allah Almighty for his many virtues and blessings, and what is mentioned in the correct talk about the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "Who said when it becomes and when it touches: From what he brought, but one said like what he said "In another interview:" Who said Hallelujah and praise a hundred times forgiven his sins even if it is like the foam of the sea.
It is also said that the best mention of what the praise of allah Almighty for his many virtues and blessings, and what is mentioned in the correct talk about the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "Who said when it becomes and when it touches: From what he brought, but one said like what he said "In another interview:" Who said Hallelujah and praise a hundred times forgiven his sins even if it is like the foam of the sea.

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 This means that the best mention came to the angels of allah Almighty is praise, and hence it is worth mentioning the importance of mentioning allah Almighty because of these great wages, they open the doors of Paradise, and close the doors of fire, and open the doors of good for the Muslim, as it is blessed by the love of allah In the world and the hereafter, as well as being a male to the Almighty Creator, if a person loves something more than mentioned.

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